Registration to the Collectability Patek Forum is free. We welcome anyone with an interest in Patek Philippe and ask that you agree to the Forum Terms below by checking the ‘I Agree’ box when you register.
Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment where anyone with an interest in Patek Philippe can feel free to ask questions or share information without any harassment or negative responses. We welcome discussion but request that any disagreement is politely stated. We ask that anyone participating on this forum is respectful of the community and therefore do not post anything that is vulgar, racist, sexually explicit or that could in any way upset fellow members.
Collectability aims to monitor the forum carefully but cannot guarantee that all statements posted are accurate and therefore cannot not be used as a verification of authenticity for a watch.
The Collectability Patek Forum is for information only not buying and selling. We ask that links are not given to other sites selling watches and that the Forum is not used to promote other watch buyers or sellers.
The Collectability Patek Forum does not endorse links to other sites, or their content.
The Collectability Patek Forum is not connected to the brand Patek Philippe and does not represent its opinions. Opinions posted on The Collectability Patek Forum are solely those of the author.
Collectability reserves the right to remove a thread or ban a member for any reason.