Collect With Trust

An education in Patek Philippe 

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An education in Patek Philippe

Collectability guides you on your collecting journey

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Patek Philippe Shaped Watches

It’s almost Spring which means it’s time to get in shape — or into a shaped watch! In this video, John Reardon presents some unusually shaped watches — mostly rectangular.

White Metal Modern-ish Patek Philippe Marvels

In this video, John Reardon reviews ten stunning pieces from the Neo-vintage 1990s to a more recent complicated masterpiece with a case design inspired by watches from the mid-20th century.


Collectability’s integrity, knowledge and service elevate an enjoyable hobby to a passionate quest for scholarship and collection. I have dealt with the team at multiple occasions over the years, and what I found truly remarkable is the combination of generosity in sharing knowledge and unmatched ethics, translating into a second to none sense of safety and trust in all interactions.

Behind Collectability


"Our goal is to give watch collectors and enthusiasts the knowledge they need to make informed decisions on buying and selling vintage and pre-owned Patek Philippe watches. Driven by passion and scholarship, Collectability strives to make the process transparent and enjoyable so that you can collect with trust."

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